FAQ on Fall Sports Season

The purpose of this FAQ is to provide an update on the current status of interscholastic sports in the Fox Chapel Area School District for students in grades 7-12. As approved by the PIAA on August 21, the Fox Chapel Area School District is now permitted to move forward and conduct a fall sports season at both the middle- and high-school levels. At the last Fox Chapel Area School Board meeting on August 10, 2020, the Board approved our updated athletic health and safety plan, which can be viewed here: http://bit.ly/FxcHealthSafetyPlan. The latest plan includes current information from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Gov. Tom Wolf. The requirements of the plan must be followed with “strict adherence” in order for Fox Chapel Area to participate in the WPIAL and PIAA sports season. Please understand that our staff is working diligently to provide our athletes with the best possible experience, under the circumstances, this year.

Below are a few frequently asked questions:

Where can I view the PIAA’s Return to Competition Plan? A link to the PIAA Return to Competition: Individual Sport Considerations can be found at:

Are spectators permitted to attend athletic contests? All sports-related activities must adhere to the gathering limitations set forth in the Governor’s Plan for Phased Reopening (25 or fewer people for indoor activities, 250 or fewer people for outdoor activities), and the facility as a whole may not exceed 50% of the total occupancy otherwise permitted by law. In addition, according to Allegheny County Health Department guidelines, teams and/or pods must not exceed the gathering size of 100 people in a close proximity to each other (such as an individual sideline, on the competition area during a contest, or in a section of the bleachers), up to a maximum of 250 people in an outdoor venue. Sports-related activities for students in grades 7-12 are limited to student-athletes, coaches, officials, medical personnel, and other essential staff only. Band members and cheerleaders are also permitted in a sports setting, but individuals involved in such activities count toward gathering limitations and must comply with face covering orders and social distancing guidelines; therefore, these groups may not be able to attend certain contests due to the limitations outlined above. Therefore, spectators and visitors are prohibited from attending in-person sports-related activities (practices, scrimmages, games). Please visit: http://www.governor.pa.gov/covid-19/sports-guidance for more information.

As a parent will I have the opportunity to attend a game if the restrictions are lifted? The addition of visitors and spectators will be contingent upon future health conditions within local communities and the state. Any changes to this order must be authorized by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the governor of Pennsylvania, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and/or the Allegheny County Health Department prior to being implemented.

Although we recognize the importance of spectators to our student-athletes, parents, and coaches, we must diligently adhere to the government order. Therefore, we will have police in attendance at all home athletic contests monitoring our athletic facilities and grounds. Failure to comply with a request to leave campus may result in a stoppage of play until we are in compliance with the government order.

How can I watch my child participate in competitions? The Fox Chapel Area School District Athletic Department will provide live streaming of all varsity and JV athletic events that occur in our high school stadium and main gym through the Hudl online streaming platform. The state-of-the-art streaming system was installed in 2019 at both facilities, providing the option for fans to watch events in real time. In order to watch completions, beginning the week of September 14, 2020, please visit http://bit.ly/FxCYouTube, or go to the athletics website, www.fcasdathletics.org, and look for the livestream link (located in the right hand side of the page) at the time of the event. The athletic department continues to work toward adding additional live streaming opportunities for Dorseyville Middle School athletics, as well as evaluate other live broadcasting opportunities that will be able to provide a greater viewing experience to our fans.

Will my child still be able to ride the bus with his/her team to away contests? The FCASD athletic department will continue to provide district transportation to all away athletic events. Transportation will depart from either Fox Chapel Area High School or Dorseyville Middle School, as it has in the past. Students and coaches are required to wear masks at all times on the bus and social distance to the maximum amount feasible.

Where can I find updates, schedules, and/or other pertinent information about the Fox Chapel Area athletic programs? Please visit www.fcasdathletics.org.