Ava Persichetti’s Resilience Inspires Teammates  

Ava Persichetti’s infectious positivity and unwavering dedication to mentoring her younger teammates make it hard to believe that on the field hockey field, she transforms into a fierce defender. A senior co-captain, Ava has been a varsity starter since she was a freshman and previously held down roles as an attacker and midfielder. But her aggressive style of play and keen anticipation skills have made her a natural fit for the back line, too. 

“Ava has a great ball sense and is able to anticipate the moves of opposing players,” says first-year field hockey coach Kellee Cribby. “Because of this, she can eliminate the other teams’ opportunities early in the play, which helps our defensive unit and gives our attacking unit more opportunities.” 

For Ava, her prior experience on offense has empowered her as a defender.

“Having that offensive experience helps me on defense to know when I need to run and push up as much as I can before I get the ball off my stick,” Ava explains. “Also, being on defense, I can see the field and be vocal to help the other players. I believe staying positive on and off the field helps performance for everyone on the team. Being vocal on defense is something new to me, but I have transitioned into the new position, and from the back of the field, it is easy to see everyone. I think it helps the midfielders and defensive mids to hear a voice.” 

Perhaps even more than her physical skills, Ava’s leadership has been crucial to the team’s success.

“Ava creates an environment where players feel comfortable trying new things, learning, and developing,” says coach Cribby. “She leads by example with her positive attitude, and her resilience through challenges inspire everyone around her.” 

Ava is no stranger to adversity.  Near the end of her sophomore season, a shot from an opposing player hit her in her face.

“I remember grabbing my face and walking off, trying to smile because I thought it was just a bruise,” Ava recalls. “I got into the trainers’ room, and I knew it was bad. I didn’t care as much about my face; the worst was feeling as though I’d let my team down not being able to get back on the field.”

The injury required surgery on her cheek and ocular bones, but when she did return to the field, it wasn’t easy. She was shell-shocked whenever she heard the sound of a ball being hit or was close to a girl who was driving the ball. But she stuck it out.

“I consider Ava to be very brave. When you feel that twinge of fear but still push yourself to continue to do something you love is, I believe, extremely courageous,” coach Cribby says. 

Another setback – a herniated disc – changed her junior year. She was forced to sit out almost the entire season, but she still went to practices and games to keep learning and support her friends and teammates from the sidelines.

“Despite these challenges, I have used them as motivation to keep working hard and to get back on the field,” says Ava, whose off-field accomplishments include being a member of the National Honor Society and serving as its vice president. “I don’t take any moment for granted. I worked hard to get to where I am today, and despite the obstacles I faced in these past few years, field hockey will continue to be my favorite game.”

Bridging the Age Gap

Ava recalls joining the Dorseyville Middle School field hockey team in seventh grade and says that’s when she developed her love for the game. “At the time, it was the best experience I ever had on a sports team. I knew that I wanted to continue playing and soon joined club teams and played almost every season I could,” Ava says.

Since then, her kindness and enthusiasm have helped to bridge the gap between the players coming up from the middle school, other underclassmen, and the upperclassmen – both on and off the field. 

“Ava’s efforts have contributed to the team’s overall synergy and have helped create trust and belief in each other,” says coach Cribby. “She and her fellow co-captains are laying the foundation for a strong team unit, which will be instrumental to the team’s success.” 

The coach adds, “Ava shows up to play every day for herself and for her team. She continues to work on improving her game and is committed to the team.”

Right now, Ava’s primary focus is to contribute to the Foxes’ pursuit of WPIAL gold. The team has come close in recent years, finishing as runners-up in 2020, 2021, and last season.

Although Ava does not plan to play varsity field hockey in college, she’s interested in joining a club team, and says, “Field hockey has been such an important part of my life for so long, I would miss picking up the stick and playing my favorite sport with a team.”